Would you like to support the Dogs by Merlyn Foundation? There are several ways to do so:
- through a monthly or one-off donation
-I also participate in a so-called 'Teamingnet' for micro-donations, you can join for as little as 1€ per month, which of course doesn't seem like much but if many people join the amount will add up nicely via
- donation of food (both dogs and cats) and goods (fleece blankets, toys and soft dog baskets) A few times a year there is a transport from Almelo to Romania. The exact location and date is announced on the website in the latest news/blog and also what is greatly needed at that time.
-Dogs that are not born I don't need to rescue, of course. Therefore, I have street and shelter dogs neutralised (spayed/neutered) almost daily by a vet close to the shelter with whom I have good contact. One neutralisation costs €40.00.
Together, we can make a difference!
Donate: Dogs by Merlyn Foundation
IBAN: NL54ABNA0826348505